
Liever Lingewijk

Liever Lingewijk – Gorinchem


Liever Lingewijk


Transformation of a school building into a complex boasting 51 apartments, a GP practice, physiotherapist and three care buildings

Under development


Agnova architecten
Pauwert architectuur


Real Estate Development

2022 to 2023


The project


The Lingewijk is located on the north side of Gorinchem, bordering the Linge River and located on the Arkselsedijk. This is a diverse neighbourhood, the real core of which contains some older housing and the considerable rejuvenation work starting in the year 2000, creating many ground-level homes. The last site still available for conversion to residential and healthcare facilities as well as public green space is the site formerly occupied by the Yuverta College school.

RED-O will transform the school building at this location into 51 apartments with a GP practice, pharmacy and physiotherapist. Designed especially for those 55 and older, the residential building will offer mid-segment rental housing and on-call care nearby. Residents can enjoy privacy, yet also take advantage of common areas in the building and garden. Affordable, comfortable, self-contained housing combined with the convenience of amenities in and around the building. Three care buildings will be built on the adjacent pasture for two care providers. These facilities will also offer 24/7 care for people with intellectual challenges. Truly private living yet with shared meeting places for necessary care. These four buildings are connected to each other through a widely supported landscape plan approach. Together with local residents, this will be fleshed out further. The goal is to open up the area by transforming a pasture into an interactive location with more biodiversity. A community barn is also being considered, where caregivers and third parties from the neighbourhood can meet for daytime activities or the maintenance of the area.

RED-O is handling the entire development and will realise four investments here.